Anti-Semitism all over the world is rising to new heights, a huge campaign of lies is being waged on social media against the State of Israel and the Jewish people.
According to all surveys, about 80% of the posts and comments about Israel on social networks are negative and only about 20% are positive.
The network is flooded with anti-Semitic content and for some reason most of it is not removed by the management of the social networks.
In 2023/2024 – Jews around the world, including in Western Europe and the USA, are afraid to walk the streets under a Jewish identity.
In countries like Iran and all its branches in the world, they officially and openly call for the destruction of the State of Israel.
All of this is happening only because 15 million Jews scattered in Israel and around the world, cannot face up to about a billion and a half Muslims.
Israel is losing the global propaganda war against the amount and strength of the anti-Semitic lies and messages that are sweeping the world and succeed in penetrating the young people and the hearts of the world’s citizens who have not had the chance to hear the other side, our side.
This is the time for lovers of Israel to act
This is also the time for hundreds of millions of Israel-loving Christians all over the world to stand by Israel’s side and join the propaganda army that is establishing the Israel Net website.
This is also the time for the citizens of Western Europe, the USA and the democratic countries of the world to understand that if Israel loses today, they will be the next victims.
This is the time for the Iranians who oppose the evil regime that rules their homeland to be part of the struggle and join us.
It’s time for the Israel Net website
The Israel Net website, published in 12 languages (gradually), tells the true story of the State of Israel, both current and historical, the contribution of the State of Israel since time immemorial and every day to humanity, the values it brings to the world against the values of its enemies.
Readers receive regular reports on the wave of anti-Semitism and evil that is spreading in the world, will get to know the enemies as well as the lovers of the State of Israel, its ambassadors in the face of the hate mongers, and thus will be equipped with the tools and information they need to face the lies that the haters of Israel spread.
We will tell the world about the tremendous contribution of the State of Israel to humanity in all areas of life.
We will convey the information to you in a simple and accurate language while making sure to report the truth, the facts versus the conspiracies, facts that you can convey to family members, friends, on the social network, in the workplace, and anywhere you wish.
So let’s begin the more important than ever journey of the State of Israel.