The student demonstrations against Israel in America, which began as a call for a ceasefire in Gaza or as a protest against the Israeli government’s policy in Gaza, have already turned into protests against the very existence of the State of Israel, against any activity of Jewish organizations on campuses and calls for an intifada and the removal of Zionists from the public sphere. grades? Of course, the reference is to the Jews.
On many campuses, demonstrators forbade Jewish students to access public areas. Student organizations call for the removal of Zionist organizations and symbols from campus, or even against anyone who accepts the word of Israel’s existence as a state.
What was initially seen as demonstrations in favor of the residents of Gaza, and as a call for a ceasefire, becomes more and more extreme day by day.
From calling for a ceasefire, it moved to demanding that the university management sever ties with Israeli organizations and Jewish organizations such as Hillel International, whose main goal is to support Jewish life on campus, to get rid of charitable foundations that finance Jewish academic research and life on campus; and to ban “Zionist” speakers from the campus.

From here it continued to anti-Semitic statements about Jewish power and alleged financial control by attacking “Zionist” trustees and donors and their alleged influence on university affairs.
The organizers called on colleges in the US to permanently sever ties with universities, research institutions and other academic programs in Israel, for an academic boycott of Israel.
Howard University student organizers demanded that the administration “issue an official public statement in complete solidarity with Palestinian students and the Palestinian resistance.”
Organizers of a student encampment at the University of North Florida in Jacksonville called for a ban on Zionist speakers, writing “Stop inviting Zionist speakers to give lectures on campus!”.
Ohio State also held a protest on April 19 in support of the Columbia University encampment. In the demonstration, students marched across campus chanting, “Hey hey, ho ho; the grades have to go.”
From there they took the protests one step further and called for the ban and boycott of Zionists and Israelis.

A call for violence and the elimination of Israel
The pro-Palestinian demonstrators (you can call them anti-Semitic) are already shouting – for “death” to Zionism and Zionists when many of those involved in the current anti-Israel student protest movement have adopted the nickname of the “student intifada” – a phrase that recalls two historical periods in the late 1980s and early 2000s during which terrorists Palestinians committed indiscriminate acts of violence against Israelis, as a result of which many civilians were murdered in Israeli cities.
Other disturbing rhetoric included calls for the public excommunication and eradication of Zionism and Zionism.
Student groups supported the so-called “escalation” of tactics aimed at dismantling “Zionist” institutions.
Student protesters at Georgia Tech in Atlanta held an “emergency death rally” on campus on March 28, where they presented materials indicating that the Hillel organization is involved in a so-called “produce and feed the Zionist cult” program.
On March 8, protesters disrupted a Shabbat event hosted by Hillel on campus at Florida International University in Miami, Florida, and prevented Jewish students from freely engaging in religious observance. In the end, the protesters were removed from the building, but remained outside the exits, with Jewish students reporting that they were harassed and intimidated when leaving the Shabbat event.

In addition to the direct attacks on Hillel and other Jewish organizations all over US campuses, protesters also called for the exclusion of “Zionist” individuals and organizations more broadly – from banning “Zionists” from serving on university boards to banning “Zionist” speakers from campus, publishing The Israeli faculty teaches certain courses and more.
At the Art School of Chicago in Chicago, IL, where a tent was launched on May 4, organizers demanded that the school “resign all entities and individuals who financially support the Zionist occupation of Palestine, including: the complete removal of any programs within the institute that legitimize the Zionist occupation of Palestine.”
And so in many universities in the USA the demonstrators called for “the resignation of all Zionist entities on campus”.

In California, New York and many other universities, the calls escalated to the point of calling for violence and support for terrorism – “all forms of resistance against the Zionist occupation are legitimate”:
Also at California State University, Los Angeles (CSULA), the organizers of the encampment expressed support for terrorism – “the right to resist the Zionist occupation by any means necessary.”
At California State University, Long Beach (CSULB) they have already demanded that the university call for the elimination of Israel. In a statement issued on May 2nd in support of the “People’s University” movement, the organizers demanded to “call for the end of the settler colonial state of Israel.” The participants waved signs – “The Zionists are rotting in hell” accompanied by a description of flames below the text.

At Evergreen State College in Olympia, Washington, demonstrators called for supporting the resistance against the Zionist movement by any means necessary.
In Denver, the participants chanted: “There is no justice, no peace, no scores on the streets of Denver.”
Students at DePaul University in Chicago published a list of demands – not only to remove Zionists and Jews from the university’s board of trustees, but also to remove anyone who has ties to Israel from the board of trustees.
At Indiana University in Bloomington, George Washington (GWU) in Washington, DC, the chants were heard: “Say it loud, say it clearly, we don’t want grades here. We don’t want rats here.”
Prior to the dismantling of the UCLA encampment on May 2, anti-Israel protesters were documented restricting the movement of Jewish students on campus through barriers at the entrances to the encampment. In one video, the encampment participants could be heard asking a Jewish student who was trying to use the path near one of the university libraries: “Are you a Zionist?” When the student answered in the affirmative, they prevented him from passing and told him: “They don’t let the grades in.”
In Colombia they read: “We will never give up and we will never give up until Palestine is free, Zionism is destroyed, and the Zionists start hiding like the Nazis.” The demonstrators also chanted slogans that demonized Zionism and Zionism, among them: “Say it loud, say it clearly; we don’t want Zionists here” and “Free our prisoners, free everyone; Zionism will fall.”
At the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) camp in Cambridge, MA they chanted in Arabic: Death to Zionism!”
Georgia State University’s Instagram shared a booklet entitled “FROM THE GATES: ESCALATE” which declares its mission – “to disrupt and dismantle Zionism and American imperialism. We will not refrain from any actions taken to escalate the struggle, including direct militant actions.”