Iranian celebrities in favor of Israel – watch the videos


Since the night when Iran attacked Israel with drones and cruise missiles, we have been exposed to quite a bit of support from Iranian celebrities in Israel. Most of the support, of course, came from athletes who are no longer physically in the country and can afford to speak against the regime, and those who were not outside the country, disappeared…

Alika Le Bon, a well-known Iranian blogger, recently came out with pro-Israel and anti-Iran statements, which caused an uproar in her country. In recent days, the actress Noa Tashvi met with her in Los Angeles, in order to hear from her what made her make statements against the Iranian regime and in favor of Israel.

And she answered that she decided to go against the Ayatollah regime following the events of the massacre in Israel. “For me it was a trigger, because anyone who knows anything about Iran knows how the Islamic Republic works with its proxy forces, and we know that these are actually the same terrorists. We know they are trained by the same people who killed our families and we know what this kind of terrorism looks like.

Support for Hamas cannot be separated from support for the Revolutionary Guards. “This is the argument I tried to convey recently, because for a long time people tried to say that this (Palestinian) ‘resistance’ is different and it’s not like the Islamic Republic and I said, ‘Okay Stacey or Becky from Berkeley or Harvard, explain to me how it’s different, explain to me as if I were a girl 5’. And they can’t explain to you how it’s different because it’s not, it’s all part of the same system, from the same head of the snake.

Two prominent voices and thresholds opposing the attack from the sports world are the former soccer player Ali Karimi and the former judo coach of the Iranian national team, Vahid Sarlek. Amazingly, the two also won the support of some Iranian residents:

Karimi, who played 127 times for the Iranian national team and among other things for Bayern Munich, uploaded a post of support in which two hands with the flags of Israel and Iran from before the current regime are seen holding each other – in a message of reconciliation: “We are Iran, not the Islamic Republic,” wrote the Star of the Past in English and Arabic . The post received tens of thousands of comments, most of them positive and sympathetic, including many Iranians who identified with his words. The 45-year-old Karimi is known as a fierce opponent of the Islamic Republic and the Ayatollah regime, and has often spoken out against it in recent years from his seat in Europe.

But an exceptional case is that of the volleyball player Movina Rostami, who spoke from Iran against the regime – and has since disappeared.

Movina Rostami Photo: Twitter

“As an Iranian, I am truly ashamed of the authorities’ attack on Israel,” she wrote on the night of April 13. “But you should know that the people in Iran love Israel and hate the Islamic Republic.” Rostami is no longer an athlete, but a national team player who wore the national uniform, and now speaks with great courage against the authorities.

In France, Iranian exiles joined the demonstrations of Jews in favor of Israel – watch:

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