A small Israeli high school won the world championship in robotics

About 600 teams from around the world participated in the global robotics competition that took place in the USA, but the Israeli team from small Beninmina beat them all.

36 high school students from Israel created a robot that knows how to pick up a ring and braid it to a height of about one and a half meters and won the world championship held in the USA

The Orbit 1690 robotics team of Caremim Binyamina School in Israel is the world champion in the FIRST Robotics Competition held in Houston, Texas, USA. About 600 teams from around the world participated in the global robotics competition (14 of them from Israel), and as mentioned, the Israeli team from the small Beninmina, beat them all.

The Orbit 1690 robotics team Photo: Keramim School, Binyamina

About three months ago, the team received an elaborate engineering task: to build a robot that would be able to pick up a ring and weave it to a height of about one and a half meters. Under the leadership of the course coordinator Yizhar Rahmani and the teacher Tom Curtis, and with amazing teamwork and with the assistance of several mentors, the students were able to complete the task and take first place.

The team won the district competition and the national competition, and managed to qualify for the world competition, but due to the security situation, many flights were canceled and there was concern that it would not be able to reach the finals. Still, at the last minute a solution was found and the team participated in the competition, won it, and in fact brought the highest achievement for an Israeli team in the competition ever since.

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