The huge pro-Palestinian demonstrations are sweeping Europe and have become commonplace. Countries like Great Britain, Germany, France, Sweden, Belgium, Turkey and more have become a Palestinian stronghold that is managed and receives a push from Hamas and Iran with a tailwind from the Al Jazeera channel. What stands out in the demonstrations – is the large amount of young people who are not Muslim.
Tens of thousands and hundreds of thousands participate in demonstrations against Israel, although almost all demonstrations are motivated and led by Hamas and Iran, most of the participants and those involved in them are neither Palestinians nor Muslims. The demonstrations and the media are fueling anti-Semitism in Europe, which is rising to dimensions we have not known before, and at the same time, there is an escalation and radicalization of Islamism on the continent.
In many of the pro-Palestinian demonstrations held in Europe in the last six months, the young age of the demonstrators is very noticeable. It can be estimated that the average age in them is 20-30. One of the main and significant factors contributing to this is the centrality of students and universities in promoting demonstrations and supporting them, and especially in establishing the anti-Israeli and pro-Palestinian environment, and in many cases even pro-Hamas.
This can be seen through the other centers of demonstrations against Israel – in the relatively small cities where there are large universities. The students deal with this issue intensively and are a center of power in the story, and there are also many lecturers who support it. They create the appropriate atmosphere and encourage the demonstrations, and clear messages are heard in them against Israel and its right to exist.
How did this happen?
Most of these universities are funded by the Gulf countries. Qatar, for example, invests tens of billions of dollars in universities around the world, and a large part of it is directed to funding pro-Qatari and pro-Hamas centers and content.
(For the article this is how the Muslim countries buy the academy in the USA – go here)
Qatar buys seats and positions for university professors with the money, thus promoting factors that the authorities in Doha like. It helps to understand how many ideas promoted by Qatar directly lead to protests against Israel, and those who come to the protests are fed those ideas. It also helps to understand that many participants are not Palestinians or Muslims.
It is evident that severe phenomena such as the denial of the massacre or its dimensions and the denial of the sexual crimes committed by Hamas terrorists in the massacre and the harming of the abductees and the abductees in the days that have passed since then, are becoming more and more common. The incited students are increasing more and more and their anti-Israel and even anti-Semitic positions are getting stronger.
Dr. Dina Lisnansky, an expert on Islam in Europe and a lecturer at the Shalem Academic Center and Tel Aviv University, says that –
In many of the universities there are organizations and student cells that define themselves as “pro-Palestinian” organizations, but behind those organizations are extremist elements. In many cases these are student associations with a Hamas touch, such as Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP) and American Muslims for Palestine (AMP) , which are active mainly in the USA, and other similar organizations in Europe.
The same organizations exert moves of soft influence on many of the students, thus succeeding in conquering many non-Palestinians and even non-Muslims with their ideas and positions. Through a joint binding of ideas such as climate, environment, and also support for minorities and the weak, they manage to convince many to join them – even if it is often accompanied by ignorance and an almost complete lack of knowledge about the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.
These are cases of deliberate deception of many students who are neither Palestinian nor Muslim. People are presented with a value vision that matches their values, which often deal with questions of climate, ecology and integration, and they feel that these are important values and want to fight for them. This is how members of the new generation arrive, join green organizations and work together in cooperation.
We talk to them about the value of ‘liberating all the oppressed and oppressed in the world’, and of course the Palestinians are at the forefront. This, to a large extent, can explain the connection between young generation Z, non-Palestinian European students – and the Palestinian issue.
In the month of Ramadan, we saw various challenges on TikTok, from young men and women of Generation Z, non-Muslims, who started talking about Ramadan and their desire to observe the fast. In their view, Ramadan is not only for Muslims, because it makes those fasting more aware of the environment and helps to do good deeds for the planet. They quote verses from the Koran that call on Muslims to protect the environment.”
In Europe they watch and are silent and cannot do much, as time goes by, right-wing parties start to come to power when they play about the Islamic takeover of the young people in their country. Will their strengthening bring about the change or is it already too late for them?
Maybe there was an awakening following the effects of radicalization and maybe not and it will only get worse.