Over 750 Persian-speaking volunteers joined the effort to change Iranian public opinion towards Israel. The project operates through pages in social networks, translated videos and original content adapted to the target audience.


The project, founded by the Mirage Israel Foundation, focuses on the creation of diverse and adapted content, such as videos, articles, photos and posts on social networks. The contents deal with various topics, among them: the security reality of Israel as a whole – an explanation of the security threats that Israel faces, the presentation of the Israeli side in the conflicts in the region, the emphasis on diversity and pluralism in Israeli society, while sharing inspiring stories of people from all ends of the spectrum, the presentation of Israel as a world leader in the field of innovation and technology, emphasizing its contribution to human progress.

The challenges:

The distribution of content in Iran involves many challenges, because the Iranian regime limits access to free information, and the project operates in an area saturated with anti-Israeli propaganda, and faces attempts to blacken Israel’s image.

The successes:

The contents of the project receive tens of thousands of views worldwide and sympathetic reactions from Iranians. Many of the Iranian viewers express support for revealing the truth and the importance of making information accessible in their language.

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