Masses of Israel lovers in Brazil against President Lula – Israel hater – and thanks to the evangelical Christians


Lola, we will recall, accused Israel of committing genocide in the war in Gaza – and even claimed that its actions were similar to those of the Nazis in the Holocaust. Israel declared Lula an “undesirable personality”, but the Brazilian president only dug in his positions, despite criticism that the US also voiced for his words, and returned his ambassador to Israel as a protest.

Media in Brazil reported that Israeli flags were sold en masse in stores in the demonstration area in Sao Paulo, and that they were flown in “solidarity with the Jewish community in the face of the anti-Semitic attacks” by Lula. A heart was also drawn on one of the Israeli flags that were hoisted there, next to the word “sorry”. On another flag appeared the flags of Israel and Brazil combined with each other, next to a picture of a lion. During the demonstration, Bolsonero’s wife, Michelle, spoke, among others, and alongside words of support for her husband, who presents himself as persecuted due to the investigations against him, she also prayed and blessed Israel.

Support for Lula’s rule in Brazil in February stood at 51% – a 3% decrease compared to the 54% support figure measured for him in December. This is the lowest figure for the Brazilian president since April 2023. 46% said they think Brazil’s president is “doing a bad job,” compared to 43% who said that in the previous poll.

The latest poll shows that the drop in support for Lula comes mainly from among evangelical Christians, who in principle are considered supporters of former president Jair Bolsonaro. The drop in support, according to the findings of the survey, comes mainly in response to Lula’s controversial statements about Israel.

The rate of support for Lula among evangelical Christians, who make up about a third of the Brazilian public, dropped from 41% to 35%, and the rate of dissatisfaction of this public with the government in Brasilia rose from 56% to 62%. “The reaction to Lula’s statements on Gaza may give a good clue that explains the change in his support figures,” pollster Filipa Nunez told Reuters. “About 60% of Brazilians believe he exaggerated his comparison, but among evangelical Christians this figure reaches 69%.” He further added: “Lula’s statements were received so badly that he did not even receive support from his political base.”

Foreign Minister Israel Katz commented on the results of the survey – President Lula’s shameful statement is a stain on a glorious country like Brazil. We insist that the president apologize and correct the anti-Semitic lie he spread. I will continue to stand resolutely and firmly for our good name in the face of such lies. This is the legacy of the State of Israel – we will not turn the other cheek.”

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