Erdogan claims – “Netanyahu is no different from Hitler”. In Turkey they salute the killers of Hamas. Wall paintings and inscriptions “Israel kills”. Posters are distributed in Turkey – “Jewish blood is allowed.” “Btown” of Erdogan’s party called “to put an end to the state of terror, to destroy the virus” (Israel). In the Turkish media it is hinted that Israel wants to occupy Northern Cyprus and initiates attacks against Turkey. The ruling party’s slogan reads – “Turkey’s defense begins in Gaza” (meaning that Israel endangers Turkey’s existence).
In Turkey, media people who are close to the establishment are already calling for the annihilation of the State of Israel.

The hatred for Jews has never been so blatant, so public and so frightening – the Israelis who used to visit Turkey en masse, avoid entering it. The Jews humble and even eliminate any Jewish sign. The members of the Jewish community imposed media silence on themselves.
After Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan stated that Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu “is no different from Adolf Hitler”, and the comparison he made between the IDF attacks in the Gaza Strip and the treatment the Jews received from the Nazis, it seems that all the floodgates have been opened and everything is now allowed to be written about Israel and the Jews.
Anti-Semitism is skyrocketing, and has reached its most extreme level ever.

In the main headlines published in the Yeni Shapak newspaper, the unofficial mouthpiece of Erdogan’s ruling party, it was written about Israel – “We must put an end to this terrorist state”, “The world must destroy this virus” and “Netanyahu is the butcher of Gaza”.
Erdogan even stated that the vision of the “promised land of Israel” endangers the territorial integrity of Turkey and therefore the defense of Turkey begins in Gaza.
In the Turkish newspaper Sabah, a map was published showing the borders of the Promised Land, which also includes Turkish Cyprus. And immediately after the publication of the map, a campaign against the sale of land to Jews began in Northern Cyprus.

In the markets of Turkey, Israeli flags are spread on the floor for people to step on.
A doll in the likeness of Prime Minister Netanyahu was hung over a bridge in the city of Afyonkarahisar. In Istanbul, signs were placed at the entrances of shops that read “Jews are not allowed to enter”.
A huge banner was hoisted in Ankara showing Netanyahu as a pig, with a swastika and the inscription: “Israel is killing babies.”
Signs were placed in supermarkets calling for the boycott of Israeli products.

Paintings of Hamas terrorists attacking with drones were sprayed on the walls, decorated with the tag “Al-Aqsa Flood”, the name Hamas proudly gave to its terrorist attack.
At the entrance to the metro stations in Istanbul, posters were pasted that read “Israel is a killer”.
A similar inscription was sprayed by a man at the entrance to the Tree of Life Synagogue in Izmir.

The Turkish Hezbollah party, a member of the coalition, initiated a bill to revoke the Turkish citizenship of those who also hold Israeli citizenship and took part in the “genocide in Gaza”. According to the proposal, all their funds and assets should be frozen and transferred to the Turkish treasury. The proposal states that “if and when we can catch those citizens in Turkey who took part in the genocide in Gaza, we will sentence them to life imprisonment.”
Another story that grabbed headlines and showed the loss of temper in Turkey, was when the Israeli soccer player, Shagib Yehezkel, was arrested and interrogated for showing support for the abductees and Israel after a goal he scored.

And unrelated accusations also enter the alarming equation – for example, after a terrorist attack by the Kurdish organization PKK against the Turkish army, in which 12 Turkish soldiers were killed, many commentators in newspapers and major news channels accused Israel and the US of planning the attack, claiming that this was their way of taking revenge on Turkey for its foreign policy Its pro-Palestinian.
It should be noted that despite the frenzy of anti-Semitism in Turkey, Turkish merchant ships continue to sail to Israel, and Turkey does not block the flow of oil through it from Azerbaijan to Israel, but this is due to the regional influence on it.
Faced with the unprecedented wave of anti-Semitism in Turkey, Israel seems helpless: Israeli propaganda in Turkey does not exist, and an attempt to open a Twitter account in Turkish to fight back in the propaganda arena collapsed for embarrassing bureaucratic reasons.