11 Israeli companies on the list of the 30 most promising in the world


Parallel to the fact that Israeli companies are turning into unicorns one by one, in the “Rising in Cyber” list, which includes the 30 most promising cyber companies in the US, there are 11 Israeli startups.

The “Rising in Cyber” list, compiled by over 100 information security managers and cyber executives at leading companies, includes Gomboc, Oligo, Wing, Astrix, Descope, Grip, Cyera, Drata, Island, Orca and Israeli Wiz.

The companies on the list have collectively raised more than $6 billion and generate revenues of over $1 billion a year.

The list has 30 companies and was divided into three categories with 10 companies in each:

Early stage – companies that have raised up to 35 million dollars, intermediate stage (companies that have raised up to 100 million dollars),

Advanced stage (companies that have raised more than $100 million).

The list includes 11 Israeli cyber companies, including Gomboc, Oligo, Wing (early stage), Astrix, Descope, Grip (in an intermediate stage), and Cyera, Drata, Island, Orca, Wiz in an advanced stage.

The companies in the project, which was organized by the initiative of the global venture capital fund Notable Capital, in cooperation with the New York Stock Exchange, Fenwick, HSBC Innovation Banking, were chosen by over 100 information security managers and cyber executives at leading companies, including: Amazon, Netflix, etc. The participants were asked to choose 30 leading companies from an initial list of nearly 200 start-ups in the cyber field. This initial list was selected by venture capitalists and focused on companies whose core market is the US, based on their proven ability to solve critical problems for cyber teams.

The winners will be celebrated at a special event at the New York Stock Exchange.

Oren Junger, Managing Partner at Notable Capital :

“The list of cyber companies proves Israel’s great influence on the market.
Israeli entrepreneurs are characterized by jumping into the water as quickly as possible using the sink or swim method. This enables rapid growth or, alternatively, a quick understanding that things are not working, which leads to learning and development. The Israeli entrepreneurs manage to overcome cultural and language gaps in an admirable way and provide blue-and-white technologies to huge American companies. The developments in artificial intelligence have brought to the cyber market attacks that are becoming more sophisticated and powerful, in addition to an ever more advanced defense capability – and this front is also led by Israeli companies.”

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